Our way of working
In the past we have been breeding our labrador retrievers, with very much love and dedication. Yes, it was quite busy, taking care of a pack of little monsters for 8 or 9 weeks, but so fulfilling and fantastic !
The puppies are born in our home, and stay there for the first 8 weeks of their lives. This takes a lot of planning and a LOT of cleaning, but for us it's the only right way to raise a puppy and give them a good start
In the first two to three weeks, no visitors are allowed (except of course our own family), so mother and pups have all the time they need to get adjusted. After this period, the new puppy owners are more then welcome !
After about 5 weeks we start the toilet training. After sleeping and playing, we take out all the pups and praise them when they pee (or poop 😉) outside on the lawn. In former litters this proved to be very effective; all puppies were house trained very soon !
As the pups grow older and the weather allows them to go outside, they stay in a secured paddock and get to know all things that are going on outside : meeting the other animals on the farm (horses, cats, chickens, ducks), playing on the grass, feeling the wind in their faces and so on !
And, obviously, a lot of cuddling (with us and our two teenage sons) is going on !
When they have had their first vaccinations at 6 weeks of age, we also take the puppies to the woods and to the nearby lake.
At 8 weeks of age, the puppies are ready to start their new lives with their new owners. They will then be vaccinated, dewormed (at 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks) and checked by our vet. Of course, the puppies leave with their pedigree papers, veterinary passport, declaration of good health and a DNA-profile.
We also provide food (dry kibble) for the first few weeks, so you can slowly adjust your puppy to food of your own choice.